There are two common ways to
characterize money. The first is the idea that money is a commodity like gold,
silver or apples. And like any commodity when the supply increases the value or
price declines. The second theory of money stated in my book, Rule of Money, defines money as a coupon
equivalent to the work effort expended. Money, in whatever form, equals the
work done to earn it. Money is the
physical evidence of earnings obtained by working for someone. It is a chit
that can be exchanged for products equal to the value of the service provided
to earn it. This right of exchange is guaranteed by law in most countries.
I define the Rule of Money as it must be earned to distinguish it from
money created by the Central Banks of the world. I draw this distinction and
show in my book that funds that Central Banks create do nothing to increase the
wealth of a country unless the money is earned. If this was not the case
countries with hyperinflation rates approaching 1,000,000% like Zimbabwe or
Hungry and Greece after WWII would be the envy of the world with their
currencies denominated in billions and trillions. When currency is stated in a
billion or trillion Zimbabwe dollars or Hungarian pengo it is no longer connected to the value of work. It is only a
point on an inflationary spiral. At this point money is no longer connected to
reality. Money must be grounded in the value of work otherwise it is a
meaningless value.
Money is not a new invention. It began
as a way for Kings, Pharaohs, Sultans and similar political leaders to increase
their wealth. They could make money for less than the value they stamped on the
coin. The more they produced the richer they became. Most early inflation
occurred when these Princes decided to reduce the thickness of a coin or insert
lower valuable minerals during casting, but left the value stamped on the back
unchanged. Their attempt to gain some unearned income usually failed. Most of
the time this attempt to maintain the value of their coinage while reducing the
precious metals inside was rejected by users of the coins resulting in currency
inflation. The value of coinage dropped, but still reflected the market value of the precious metals contained
within the coins. If a monarch reduced the silver content by half, the value of
the coin lost half its value.
When money is defined as a
commodity it is subject to supply and demand pricing. Supply and demand pricing
of money allows Central Banks to push the value of money up and down by
adjusting interest rates for people or banks that have money. For people and
companies that need to borrow money it makes their life more difficult and more
expensive. Conversely, when money is defined as a receipt for work it is not
affected by changes in interest rates.
Similarly, when money is defined
as a commodity it is subject to inflation. The value of money fluctuates up and
down with the commodity the currency contains or is redeemable for. On the
other hand when money is defined as a receipt for work it is not affected by
changes in commodity prices. It is affected by changes in labor rates. This is why in the 2000s inflation was low in western countries and high in Asian countries as labor rates adjusted.
One of the prevailing theories in
modern Economics is the assumption that simply increasing the quantity of money
in circulation causes inflation. When money is defined as a receipt for work it
is not affected by changes in the quantity of money in circulation, because
there is a one to one relationship to increasing earning and an increasing
quantity of money. On the other hand, when
money is defined as a commodity the quantity of money in circulation is
paramount, because an increase in a commodity reduces the overall value of the
commodity in circulation. It is the level of supply that determines value. In
conventional Economics, if a government increases the quantity of money in
circulation the theory states the value of money will fall, because the demand for
money is less relative to the supply. Whereas, N Theory states the quantity of
money does not matter as long as the money is earned through work. But “unearned”
money added to the money supply causes the value of all money to fall. One of
the most prevalent kinds of unearned money is sovereign debt. Sovereign debt is
unique among all other debt. It is not an investment, but only a promise to
repay. It is not backed by an asset or redeemable by acquisition of collateral.
When a Central Bank like the
Federal Reserve Bank in the U.S. decides to increase the amount of money in
circulation they do so to stimulate business activity, thereby creating more
jobs. But by modeling money as a commodity the Fed is constrained by their fear
that increasing the amount of money in circulation will cause inflation. On the
other hand, if the Fed understood money as only earned revenue according to the rules of
N Theory they would not fear inflation. They would expand monetary assets by
encouraging new business creation.
The way the Fed defines money affects how they manage the monetary resources of the country. The definition of money
affects government policy. When money is considered a commodity the government
is in charge of opening and closing the money spigot. Unfortunately, this
opening and closing is governed more by a fear of inflation than by the factors
of employment or business creation. On the other hand, when money expansion occurs according to N Theory
employment is step one. Consequently, the justification for monetary expansion precedes the increase in the money supply effectively preventing currency
inflation since there is no excess.
How should money be defined? Money
is any object or equivalent electronic notation recorded to an account in a
financial institution that is earned through work, and that can be exchanged
for different products or services.